A research paper than examines the feasibility and usability of of a very low-cost bubble continuous positive airway pressure device including oxygen blenders in a Ugandan level two newborn unit.

We have more than 25 years’ expertise and knowledge in Remote Community Development and Maternal, Newborn and Child Health.
We have developed these resources to leverage the learnings from our programmes and the deep expertise of our teams. We hope that they will impact, influence and inspire many others to create change in their own communities.
Explore these resources below.
A research paper than examines the feasibility and usability of of a very low-cost bubble continuous positive airway pressure device including oxygen blenders in a Ugandan level two newborn unit.
Read about what other organisations are doing to strengthen Maternal, Newborn and Child Health services in low-resources settings across the world.
Outcomes from admissions captured in an electronic dataset of a well-established newborn unit before and during the early COVID-19 period as well as two seasonally matched periods one year prior.
A protocol paper assessing the feasibility, acceptability and early outcomes of a discharge and follow-up programme, called Hospital to Home, in a neonatal unit in Central Uganda.
An evaluation of the feasibility and aceptability of a group participatory EIP, Baby Ubuntu, for young children in Uganda.